Saturday, July 17, 2010

Best Thought for Mind

In love it does not matter that you are the first one in his/her life or not . The only thing that matter is" YOU MUST BE THE LAST ONE " .

Two ways to be happy in life :-

" Never take help of tear to show your Emotions and Never take help of words to show your Anger " . 

Living in the favorable an unfavorable situation is called " Part of life " and But smiling in all those situations is called " Art of life " .

You never get a person of your type in this world , You either have to adjust or to compromise . You adjust when some one want to be with you and Compromise when
you want to be with some one .......

Fact of life :-
In the race between cat and mouse . Mouse mostly wins because Cat is running for food and Mouse for its life !!!!
Remember one thing :- " Purpose is more important then need " .

Smooth road never makes good drivers , clean sky never makes a good pilot , Problem free life never make a strong person ,
so don't ask to life :- " WHY ME " , but also say :- " TRY ME "

Success is a vehicle which moves on wheel Named - " Smart Work " , But the journey is imposible without the fuel Named - " Self ......" .

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